#1 most advanced technology platform
#1 leader & best lasik surgeon
#1 best ICL & cataract surgeon
#1 pioneer in laser vision correction


J&J Femtosecond

WaveLight EX500
Excimer Laser

VARIO WaveLight Topolyzer

Pentacam Corneal Analyzer

Advanced Technology
Intraocular Lenses

Optiware Refractive
Analysis System (ORA)

Optical Coherence Tomography

Konan Specular

LuxOR Revalia
Schedule your free consult today
Click here to learn moreGet started on your journey to clearer, crisper vision with Laser Eye Center™. Our expert team of doctors are trained and skilled in the latest technology and methods for laser vision correction. To learn more about our state-of-the-art All Laser LASIK technology or about All Laser LASIK itself, contact us today. Schedule your FREE All Laser LASIK consultation by calling today.