As children, we were all warned the perils of sitting too close to the TV, or the dangers of crossing our eyes. But it turns out there are a number of eye myths we believe to be a fact that are actually incorrect. Read on to learn what separates truth from fiction.
- Cross your eyes and they will stay that way: False. Our eyes naturally cross whenever we’re viewing objects up close. When a person purposefully crosses them, they are simply exaggerating what nature already does.
- Reading in the dark can ruin your vision: False. While reading in the dark isn’t a good idea, it will not cause any permanent damage. The worst it will do is cause eye fatigue, which can lead to headaches or strain to the eyes.
- Sitting too close to the television is bad for your eyes: False. Children often sit close to the television simply because it is easier for them to focus on the screen when they’re closer. There is no scientific evidence that actually proves sitting close to a television can ruin a person’s vision. However, this action could possibly be a sign of a nearsightedness issue that already exists.
- A child will outgrow misaligned or crossed eyes: False. Sadly, some parents believe this to be the case. In actuality, crossed eyes will stay misaligned forever unless the affected eye is forced to correct. This can be done with surgery, glasses and sometimes even by wearing an eye patch.
- Carrots are the one food that will improve your vision: False. It is the vitamin A that is good for your eyes, and there are several foods besides carrots that are packed full of this vitamin. So simply maintaining a healthy diet will help to promote good vision.
- Eyeglasses can ruin your vision: False. For some reason, people started claiming that corrective lenses would make a person’s eyes become dependent. Corrective lenses simply allow a person to focus on what they’re seeing. When things get fuzzy without the use of these lenses, it’s only because a person has become used to being able to see.
- Those with vision problems should avoid fine print: False. Some believe that a person with bad vision will further wear their eyes out by reading small print. This is untrue. The eye is not a muscle, so straining it will not cause it to wear out prematurely.
- Squinting can damage your vision: False. A person who frequently has to squint is most likely experiencing a vision problem, but it wasn’t caused by squinting. A person can squint all day and not suffer any negative consequences.
- You only need to see the eye doctor if you are experiencing symptoms: FALSE. Getting regular eye check-ups is as important as going to the dentist. Many early warning signs can only be detected by an eye doctor, helping you to prevent diseases.
- There is nothing you can do to help your eyesight as you age: FALSE. There are several things you can do to help your vision, from eating a well-balanced diet to All Laser LASIK surgery. Contact the Laser Eye Center™ to learn about all the different procedures available to help you obtain clear vision.
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